Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Legal Officer

Job Career Vacancy opportunity (Informasi Lowongan Lamaran Peluang
kerja karir pekerjaan terbaru):
PT Bank Ekonomi Tbk, adalah sebuah Bank Devisa Nasional, yang telah
berdiri kokoh sejak tahun 1990 serta telah memperluas jaringan
bisnisnya dengan membuka cabang-cabang di kota-kota besar di Indonesia
dan masih akan terus ekspansi secara agresif dan matang. PT Bank
Ekonomi dinyatakan sebagai Bank Rating A (Kategori SEHAT) oleh BI
selaku bank sentral. Untuk menjawab kebutuhan pasar yang lebih
kompetitif, sejak Januari 2008 PT Bank Ekonomi telah terdaftar sebagai
perusahaan publik yang tercatat di bursa saham Indonesia. Kami
mengundang kandidat-kandidat yang ambisius, berorientasi pada kualitas
dan pelayanan pelanggan untuk tumbuh dan berkembang sebagai :

:: Legal Officer

1. Legal Officer ( Code : LO)

1. Pria / wanita

2. Usia max 30 tahun

3. Pendidikan S1 Hukum, IPK min. 2,75

4. Pengalaman min. 3 th di Legal Perbankan dan memahami legal kredit

Gambaran tugas :

Memastikan portfolio kredit dalam pelaksanaan pengikatan kredit dan

2. Staff Biro Direksi (Code : BD)

Kualifikasi :

1. Pria/ Wanita
2. Usia max 30 tahun
3. Pendidikan S1 Hukum, IPK min 2,75
4. Mampu berbahasa Inggris pasif dan aktif
5. Komunikatif; kemampuan berbahasa Mandarin adalah suatu nilai tambah.
6. Pengalaman min 3 tahun di notaris, Biro Direksi atau Corporate
Secretary di industri PERBANKAN (syarat pengalaman adalah MUTLAK).

Gambaran tugas :

Sebagai unit compliance, pelaporan ke Bank Indonesia, Bursa Efek
Jakarta dan Bapepam.

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV dan foto ke :

PO BOX 3140 JKT 10031 atau

Tuliskan kode jabatan di sudut kiri atas amplop / subject email Anda.

info : kerja jogja jateng

Teknisi IP Camera

Dibutuhkan Segera Teknisi IP Camera untuk di tempatkan di Bandung, Cirebon,
Semarang, Solo, Jogja, dan Surabaya

dengan kwalifikasi sebagai berikut :

1. Min SMA

2. Menguasai system jaringan / Networking

4. Menguasai Windows server

5. Mengerti instalasi IP Camera

6. Diutamakan bertempat tinggal di masing - masing daerah diatas.

Lamaran dikirim ke CV. Sinar Lintas Sejahtera

JL. RE. Martadinata No. 38 Lt.2 Cikarang -
Bekasi 17530

atau Email ke.

Pre & Post Sales Engineer

Pre & Post Sales Engineer

Example of tasks/responsibilities:
• You will doing both pre- and post sales such as PoC (proof of
concept), installation and support activities and sometimes perform
presentations to customers, work with RFI/RFQ etc.
• You will have deep technical skills about Aptilo products and
support sales managers in customer meetings
• You shall have a deep knowledge about Aptilo's products capabilities
and have the capability to suggest and design solutions.
• The job also involves almost daily contacts with colleagues in Kuala
Lumpur and sometimes also in Stockholm and Dallas.
• Your main area of operation is Indonesia but you may also support
other projects in the Asia region.

• Candidate probably possess at least a Diploma or
Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma in
Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication) or equivalent.
• Required skills: IP-technologies, Radius, UNIX/Linux, Telecom.
• Preferred skills: WiFi/WiMAX, OSS/BSS.
• Required language: Bahasa Indonesia.
• Required second language: English.
• Candidate should be open minded, flexible and with power if initiative.
• Candidate must be willing to travel in the Asia region.
• Preferably a number of years experience from similar tasks
• Full-Time position

Please send CV to

info : indowli



We are one of leading real estate developer company, who has been engaged
in this business for more than 35 years and subsidiary of a group company in
Indonesia that have 50 years experience in this business. We need a few
talented, highly motivated and results orientated people to join our
successful business team as :


Your Requirements

* Able to Prepare, Check & Monitor Legal Document
* Able to Deal with Government & Notary Public
* Male / Female
* Must Min S1 in Law
* Your current position must be at similar level with at least 3 years
experience in similar industry
* Must Highly Organized and Meticulous, able to Balance Multiple Tasks
and Work under pressure
* Must Fluent in English

* The successful incumbents will be stationed in SURABAYA

Candidate must be achievers, having clarity of thought, high sense of
commitment, ready to work and contribute in teams, willing to take
challenges and responsibility, energetic, enthusiastic and fast learner.

If you believe you are suitable for the above position, please submit your
resume & supporting document in English (please note of job code at the
subject of your email), addressed to:

Email ke :

info : jobUGM



We are one of leading real estate developer company in Surabaya, East Java,
who has been engaged in this business for more than 35 years and subsidiary
of a group company in Indonesia that have 50 years experience in this
business. We need a few talented, highly motivated and results orientated
people to join our successful business team as :


Your Requirements

* Bachelor degree (S 1) in Architect with GPA min 2.75 (4 Scale)

* Male or Female, Max 25 Years

* Your current position must be at similar level with at least 1
years experience

* Comprehensive knowledge of design, architecture mode & style.
* Have experience in design concept

* Good analytical thinking

* Strong in people management skills, interpersonal skills & good

* Fluent in English both written and spoken

* Proficient in AUTOCAD, MS Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint

* Flexible to work longer hours when required

* The successful incumbents will be stationed in SURABAYA

Candidate must be achievers, having clarity of thought, high sense of
commitment, ready to work and contribute in teams, willing to take
challenges and responsibility, energetic, enthusiastic and fast learner.

If you believe you are suitable for the above position, please submit your
resume & supporting document in English , addressed to:





Email to :

info : jobUGM

Linux Sistem Admin

Lowongan Vacancies Linux Sistem Admin

We are an International Recruitment company with major branches in
based in JAPAN and ASEAN, and with Head Office in UK - JAC Indonesia.

We’re looking suitable person for LINUX Sistem Admin.

General Requirement:
- Male/female max.30 years old
- Bachelor Degree (S1) in Computer Science or Information Technology
- 1 years work experience
- Knowledge in Networking based on Linux Various including TCP/IP,
MySQL, Apache Installation, Troubleshooting and management, Shell scripts
- Communicative in English verbal and writing
- Prefered applicant come from JABODETABEK area
- Indonesian Citizen

Please send us your complete CV with detailed job desc of your work
experience (in English) to dinda@jacindonesia. com (dinda @
jacindonesia dot com)

Please write down the position as your email subject.

Closing date : 20 May 2008

Dinda R Yovanti, ST
IT/TELCO Specialist
PT. JAC Indonesia

Head Office
Menara Cakrawala (Skyline Building) 19th Floor
Jl. M.H.Thamrin No.9
Jakarta 10340 – Indonesia
Telp.: (+62 21) 315 9504/06 Ext. 261
Fax : (+62 21) 314 7785
Mob : (+62) 856 - 147 8912
Email : dinda@jacindonesia. com

Bekasi Branch
Telp : (+62 21) 8911 7692
Fax : (+62 21) 8911 7693

Bali Branch
Telp / Fax : (+62 361) 762 101

info : ilmukomputer-networking


Perusahaan Penjualan Alat – alat Konstruksi & Teknik yang sedang berkembang, membutuhkan professional muda untuk menempati posisi sbb :




Usia min 23 tahun

Pendidikan min D3 Ilmu Komputer (T.I/S.I)

Pengalaman min 1 tahun / fresh graduate

Menguasai Web developing & maintenance.

Kriteria umum :
Menguasai komputer min Ms Office & Internet
Menguasai Bahasa Mandarin min pasif
Penuh inisiatif, inovatif, kreatif, terbiasa bekerja dengan target dan dapat bekerja dengan team serta mandiri.
Kirim lamaran lengkap beserta photo terbaru dan cantumkan kode lamaran pada pojok kiri atas amplop ke:
Attn. General Affair Department

Jl. P. Jayakarta Komplek 141 Blok F No 11-12

Jakarta Pusat 10720


email :

IT Staff


Sebuah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur produk-produk industri,
saat ini sedang mencari kandidat terbaik untuk ditempatkan sebagai :

IT Staff


Pria max 30 thn
Pendidikan min S1 Informatika
IPK min 3,0
Menguasai Aplikasi ACCPAC dan Crystal Report, MS-SQL
Berpengalaman kerja min 2 tahun
Berpengalaman membuat Report dengan menggunakan Crystal Report 8.5 dan mengerti proses di Aplikasi ACCPAC, serta mengerti tentang Accounting proses
Menguasai bahasa Inggris (aktif)
Good relationship

Jika berminat, silahkan kirim resume/ CV anda ke :

Account Executive

(URGENT) Account Executive for IDS Solusi Indonesia

We are a growing management consultant focusing in ERP
implementation (SAP Business One) and holding Authorize Principal,
Computer Service, German.
We are opening several project based positions for Account Executive
for Corporate Account.

A sound base for ERP knowledge including comprehensive understanding
for Accounting Information System.
Degree in IT / Accounting from reputable university with GPA >2.75
Independent and dedicated to get the job done.
Applicant with proven experiences will be offered senior position

We are offering attractive commission rate and full permanent
position upon the completion of target.
Training will be provided as part of our knowledge management
Flexible working hour

Please provide your full CV and contact me directly: or
Rio Novrianto


ERP Consultant

ERP Consultant for IDS Solusi Indonesia

We are a growing management consultant focusing in ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning) implementation (SAP Business One) and holding
Authorize Distributor for, Computer Service, German.
We are opening several project based positions for ERP Consultants.

A solid base for ERP knowledge including comprehensive understanding
for Enterprise Accounting Information System.
Degree in IT / Accounting from reputable university with GPA >2.75
Willing to work hard and dedicated to get the job done.
Ready to work full time and long hour, when required

We are offering attractive remuneration and full permanent position
upon the completion of target.
Training will be provided as part of our knowledge management
Applicant with proven experiences and certification in ERP (i.e. SAP
Business One) will be offered senior position

Please provide your full CV and contact me directly: or
Rio Novrianto



PT PERTAMINA (Persero) membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan terbaik perguruan tinggi program S1 dan D3 dari berbagai disiplin ilmu untuk menjadi pekerja di bidang kegiatan usaha Hulu, Pemasaran & Niaga, Hukum dan Keuangan sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia, untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :

1. Sales Representative
2. Asisten Marketing Inteligent dan Statistik
3. Driller
4. Adm Support & SDM
5. Public Relation
6. Informasi Teknik
7. HSE
8. Logistik
9. Asisten Hukum
10. Asisten Keuangan


1. Pendidikan terakhir S1 dan D3 (sesuai klasifikasi diatas) dari Akademi/Perguruan Tinggi Terakreditasi
2. IPK minimal 3 dari skala 4
3. Usia maksimal 27 tahun (kelahiran tahun 1981) untuk S1 dan 24 tahun (kelahiran tahun 1984) untuk D3
4. Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara aktif baik lisan dan tulisan

1. Surat lamaran dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
2. Photocopy Ijazah dan transkrip lengkap nilai akademik yang keduanya telah dilegalisir asli oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
3. Surat Pernyataan Diri bebas Narkoba diatas materai Rp. 6.000,-.
4. Form aplikasi yang diisi secara on-line di :
(Berkas lamaran yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses)

Untuk mengisi form aplikasi lamaran kerja, silahkan klik disini


Recruitment Team
PO BOX 5035
Jakarta 10000


1. Berkas lamaran harus dikirimkan melalui pos (pengiriman secara langsung tidak dilayani).
2. Format lamaran ditujukan kepada Vice President Sumber Daya Manusia Direktorat Umum & SDM PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO), dan pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran dicantumkan kode sesuai pilihan
3. Surat lamaran yang dikirim ke PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) sebelum pengumuman ini dianggap tidak pernah ada.
4. Setiap pelamar hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan satu surat lamaran
5. Lamaran ditutup pada tanggal 3 Mei 2008 (stempel pos).


1. Pelamar yang akan dipanggil mengikuti tes hanya yang lolos short listing berdasarkan kandidat terbaik, kelengkapan berkas lamaran serta memenuhi syarat dan pertimbangan lainnya
2. Test terdiri dari : Bahasa Inggris , Test Kemampuan Umum, Test Kepribadian, Wawancara, Pemeriksaan Kesehatan dan test lainnya sesuai kebutuhan.
3. Test dilakukan di Jakarta atau ditempat lain yang ditentukan kemudian

Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan hasil seleksi merupakan hak PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Dalam proses penerimaan pekerja ini PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) tidak melayani surat menyurat dan tidak dipungut biaya apapun (hati-hati dengan penipuan)

Untuk mengisi form aplikasi lamaran kerja, silahkan ke :

sumber dan informasi selengkapnya :